4th International Symposium for Medicinal Sciences


The International Symposium will provide a forum for discussions and exchange of ideas between the participants who are interested in medical sciences, as well as encourage pharmaceutical industries to participate in the Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ). The PSJ is a non-profit organization dedicated to basic research both for drug discovery and for pharmacists working at clinical site.

Symposium Program

Plenary Lecture

Recent Developments in Strategies and Tactics Towards Complex Secondary Metabolites Including Human-Derived Natural Products

Prof. Erick M. Carreira (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)

Interfacing Nanomaterials with Biology: From Delivery of siRNA and CRISPR Machinery to Rapid Cell Phenotyping

Prof. Vincent M. Rotello (Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts - Amherst)

Invited Poster Presentation

More than 40 posters from academia and industry in the field of drug discovery are invited by the Symposium Committee. This session represents an opportunity for interaction, sharing ideas, and promoting discussion of findings.


Complete Program was updated.

Previous Symposia

1st International Symposium for Medicinal Sciences : http://nenkai.pharm.or.jp/135/web/symposium/
2nd International Symposium for Medicinal Sciences : http://nenkai.pharm.or.jp/136/web/en/
3rd International Symposium for Medicinal Sciences : http://nenkai.pharm.or.jp/137/web/en/symposium.html